TruQC Quality Control Application

TruQC is your process digitalization solution for quality control.

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TruQC brings paperless Quality Control monitoring to the industrial coating and painting industry. A Cloud-Based application featuring standardized report forms, association of all employees and documents to each job, TruQC communicates with DeFelsko PosiTector Coatings Inspection Equipment via WIFI or Bluetooth. All employees have finger-tip access to all relevant reports and documents related to job.

TruQC Admin Suite allows you to review report status, add employees and access real-time data summaries. Managers can oversee job-site employees and reports without ever leaving the office.

The Admin Suite includes a Document Library to eliminate carrying heavy binders of documentation from place to place. Access up-to-date documents anywhere, anytime. TruQC’s File Cabinet gives you access to real-time versions of reports from any device. Files are sorted by date created, job, approval status, and creator. Team members can see changes in a report’s status. Issue Tracking allows you to identify, track, and resolve issues quickly with issue tracking. Efficiently prevent future problems. Use Total Asset Management (TAM) as a database to manage every person, project, and asset you own.


  • Objective managing and monitoring
  • Standardized report forms
  • Secure cloud storage
  • Reports can be searched by key words or terms
  • Reports can be personalized with your logo

TruQC ensures reliable reporting: the application conforms to SSPC QP and QS standards, NACE, OSHA, NOSH, and others. Scope of work documents, such as product or work specifications, can be kept up-to-date throughout the job, and an “out-of-spec” alert option can be set to alert management to job areas requiring attention.

TruQC can be customized to suit individual company requirements. Please contact Stone Tucker Instruments to discuss pricing for customized platform options.