Rex Model 3000 Shore D Durometer

Rex Gauge 3000D Durometer measures the hardness of specimens with creep.

SKU: REX-3000D Category:


Rex Model 3000 Shore D Durometer determines indentation hardness of specimens. Equipped with a max-hand and active hand for observing the creep characteristics of a specimen.

The Rex 3000 Durometer features magnetic-drag maximum reset mechanism.


  • Reads Maximum and Creep
  • Large diameter grip
  • Increased 18mm diameter presser foot
  • Cost effective, hand operated
  • Jeweled Movement
  • Conforms to ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868, and ISO 7619 specifications

Stone Tucker Instruments is able to recertify your Rex 3000D Durometers.