DeFelsko Certified S4 Standards

DeFelsko’s Certified Coating Metal Plates for verifying the accuracy and operation of ferrous coating thickness gauges.


DeFelsko’s Certified Coated Metal Plates are ideal for the PosiTector 6000 FXS*.

For when verification of gauge accuracy at a test site is required each time a coating thickness gauge is put into service, DeFelsko’s certified coating thickness standards have measured values traceable to a National Metrology Institution.

These standards are used to verify the accuracy and operation of mechanical, electronic, eddy-current, or ultrasonic coating thickness gauges, and are certified and labelled in both Metric and Imperial units.

The S4 Standard features a range of 0 to 1900 µm (75 mils).

Certified Coated Metal Plates for ferrous probes have an accuracy of ± 0.43 µm ± 0.017 mil.

*PosiTector FXS probes with a range of 0-1500 µm (0-60 mils) and Serial Numbers <361485 should use the S1 Standard

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