Gardco S90 Signature Zahn Cup

Gardco S90 Signature Zahn Cups for measuring viscosity.

SKU: GAR-S90 Category: Tags: , ,


Manufactured in the USA of 100% stainless steel (label excepted), Gardco S90/Zahn Signature Dip Viscosity Cups are an improved version of the time-honored Zahn Signature viscosity cups. GARDCO is the only producer authorized to use the Zahn name and has added the S90 designation to identify the improved viscosity cups manufactured on new state-of-the-art equipment to insure optimum quality and uniformity.

Calibration of the S90/Zahn Cups match the earlier Zahn Signature cups, and conversion formulas and tables relating cup efflux time in seconds to viscosity in centistokes are identical for both series of cups.

S90/Zahn cups are calibrated with standard “G” series oils traceable to the National Institute of Standards & Technology. “G” series calibration oils are produced in accordance with ISO 9002.

S90/Zahn cups qualify for certification under ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 or ISO/IEC 17025:2005, ISO 9001:2008, as applicable.

NOTE: Efflux time from these cups does not meet ASTM specifications, but tables are available for converting S90/Zahn cup efflux time to EZ™ Zahn cup efflux time which complies with ASTM D 4212.

GARDCO S90 Signature Zahn Cups are available, with or without certificate of calibration, in cup numbers 1 to 5. The chart below can be used to select the correct number S90 Signature Zahn Cup:


**A stopwatch and thermometer are needed to measure viscosity using Zahn cups.

Accessories, including calibration oils are available.

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