Showing 17–32 of 153 results
DeFelsko GLS 20°/60°/85° Gloss Meter
DeFelsko GLS 60° Gloss Meter
DeFelsko Inspection Kits
DeFelsko Latex Patch Kit
DeFelsko LPD Wetter Agent (2 Pack)
DeFelsko Non-Certified Plastic Shims
DeFelsko PosiPatch Kit with Flex Ring
DeFelsko PosiPatch Kit with Metal Ring
DeFelsko PosiTector 200 B Probe
DeFelsko PosiTector CMM IS Concrete Moisture Meter (Complete Kit)
DeFelsko PosiTector CMM IS Concrete Moisture Meter (Pro Kit)
DeFelsko PosiTector DPM Integral Probe
DeFelsko PosiTector DPM-L Logger
DeFelsko PosiTector DPM-L Logger
DeFelsko PosiTector DPM-L Plus Logger