TQC CC3000 Adjustable Cross Cut Paint Adhesion Tester

Test the adhesion of dry paint on your substrate with the TQC CC3000 Cross Cut Adhesion Test Kit.

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TQC’s CC3000 Cross Cut Adhesion Tester is used to test the adhesion of dry coats of paint to their substrate or to prior layers of coating. Adhesion of coatings to their substrates and prior coating layers is a key component of a quality paint application. Two series of parallel cuts are made cross-angled to each other, creating a cut pattern of 25 or 100 similar squares. After brushing with a stiff brush, or for hard surfaces, pulling the cut area with specified adhesion tape, the cut section of coating is evaluated by visual comparison to a coating adhesion classification chart to determine the quality of adherence of the paint to the surface.

The CC3000 features a wheel-mounted blade-holder that holds the cutting edge at an uniform distance from the coating to ensure reliable, reproducible results. The wheels provide adjustable blade depth to better accommodate soft surfaces.

The TQC CC3000 Adjustable Cross-Cut Paint Adhesion Tester features a single blade set in a cutting head fitted with two wheels that permit adjustment of the cutting depth.  The cutting head attaches to a padded, ergonomically-designed handle. Knife blades are available with 6 or 11 teeth spaced at 1, 2, 3, or 1.5 mm spacing, to accommodate both ISO and ASTM standards for a range of paint thicknesses. The TQC CC3000 Cross-Hatch Cutter is suitable for dry film thickness of up to 250 µm on soft substrates, 125 µm on hard substrates. [1]

[1] ASTM D3359 states “Test Method B is not considered suitable for films thicker than 5 mils (125 µm), but Note 1 states “subject to agreement between the purchaser and seller, Test Method B can be used for thicker films if wider spaced cuts are employed.”

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