PosiTector Developer Resources

PosiTector Developer Resources integrate your PosiTector and PosiTest AT-A to with third-party devices and applications.


PosiTector Developer Suite of Resources

From wired USB to WiFi wireless technology, DeFelsko instruments offer data management solutions for even the most advanced software integrations. Accessing your stored or live streaming data is simpler and more flexible than ever before.

Most commonly, measurements from PosiTector and PosiTest AT-A instruments are stored within internal memory and later transferred to a PosiSoft Software solution (Windows/Mac/iOS/Android) for further reporting. DeFelsko instruments also have the ability to integrate with third-party software, drones, ROVs, PLCs, and robotic devices using several industry-standard communication protocols.

USB Keyboard Mode

USB Keyboard mode enables PosiTector Advanced instruments (gauge body serial numbers 784,000 and greater) to emulate a USB keyboard when connected to a computer.

USB Keyboard mode communicates with your computer by emulating keyboard keystrokes.  When connected in this mode, PosiTector Advanced instruments will be recognized as a simple USB keyboard. Each reading is ‘typed’, followed by a carriage return (enter). This provides a simple way to capture readings as they are taken without any special software, drivers or complex setup.

In the spreadsheet example, the user selected cell C4.  Then, 7 readings were taken with a USB connected PosiTector 6000 Advanced in USB Keyboard mode.  Each reading automatically populates into its own cell and is followed by a carriage return (equivalent to the enter button on the keyboard).

This mode is ideal for use with your own quality control reports or pre-formatted spreadsheets. It can also be used to interface with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) used for industrial automation.

USB Serial Streaming

USB Serial Streaming allows PosiTector Advanced* and Positest AT-A instruments with a colour display to live-stream measurement values to a USB-connected computer. Any software that accepts data via a serial interface can be configured to accept the PosiTector data stream.

The PosiTector creates a virtual ‘serial’ port, a protocol commonly used by applications to communicate with external tools and devices. PosiTector measurements can be captured as they are taken in real-time, including metadata such as the units and measurement type.

Any serial-compatible software can be configured to accept the PosiTector data stream. Proficient (by InfinityQS) and WinSPC (by DataNet systems) are two popular statistical process control (SPC) software options.

This solution is ideal for customers who want the reliability and simplicity of a wired connection.

FTP Auto Log

FTP Auto Log is a feature available for PosiTector DPM probes only when connected to PosiTector Advanced gauge bodies. When connected to WiFi, readings can be sent directly to a user-specified FTP server as a comma separated value (CSV) file. This solution is ideal for unattended or remote monitoring.

WiFi Server Mode

WiFi Server Mode is available for PosiTector Advanced (S/N greater than 730,000) and PosiTest AT-A instruments. It allows any device connected on the same wireless network to access the gauge’s stored measurement data. This solution is ideal for users who want to store readings in the PosiTector gauge body to be transferred to another device at a later date.

*Advanced models with serial numbers 784,000+ with the latest update

WiFi Streaming   

WiFi Streaming is a new feature built into the PosiTector Advanced (S/N greater than 730,000 with latest updates) gauge allowing users to stream readings over WiFi. This function enables the gauge to send GET requests to a specified URL for each reading, providing developers with a method to create custom code which can be embedded into a project to stream live readings from a PosiTector gauge body. This solution is ideal for customers with an existing WiFi network and a desire to stream live readings to a central application or database.

Bluetooth Low Energy Streaming

Bluetooth Low Energy Streaming can now be used to communicate between PosiTector Advanced* and PosiTector SmartLink gauges and iOS, Android, or Windows UWP applications.

PosiTector Advanced (serial numbers 784,000 and greater) and PosiTest AT-A instruments (with a color display) feature Bluetooth Low Energy wireless technology. Stored measurement data can be transferred to an Apple iOS or Android device using our free PosiTector App. Professional PDF reports can be generated quickly and easily within the App.

Alternatively, DeFelsko has created an Application Programming Interface (API) for developers of iOS, Android, or Windows applications who wish to retrieve live measurement data directly from PosiTector instruments.

Developers can simply fill out the request form on the website and a Technical Sales Representative will send you the appropriate code and several sample projects for your device. This solution is ideal for customers who wish to stream live readings directly to an application running on a Windows, Android, or iOS device.

*serial numbers 784,000 and greater