Proceq SilverSchmidt Concrete Test Hammer

Proceq SilverSchmidt Electronic Concrete Test Hammer for determining the Compressive Strength of Concrete, Mortar, and Rock.


Proceq SilverSchmidt Electronic Concrete Test Hammer combines the best of the Original Schmidt Hammer with full electronic function for a maintenance-free, light-weight Concrete Hammer. The SilverSchmidt Electronic Concrete Test Hammer can be used to test concrete, mortar and rock as well as paper and plastics, and is not affected by angle of impact. SilverSchmidt features an electronic display and advanced mechanics that render a true rebound coefficient to automatically calculate compressive strength. The True Rebound Coefficient or “Q” value is determined by measuring velocity of impact and of rebound immediately before and after impact. Compact & light-weight, SilverSchmidt is suitable for on-site testing, including hard-to-reach surfaces or confined spaces. Because measurement results are independent of impact direction, SilverSchmidt can be used in any position. Soft concrete can be checked with “mushroom plunger” to know when to remove forms. 1000+ impacts on single battery charge.


  • Measurement independent of impact direction; no directional corrections necessary
  • Differential optical absolute velocity encoder ensures high measuring accuracy
  • Conversion curves for wide range of compressive concrete strengths: lo: < 10 N/mm2 / 1450 psi, high strength concrete up to 17 N/mm2 14,500 psi
  • Single-button operation
  • Graphical menu with symbols for universal comprehension
  • Automatic conversion to required measurement units
  • Measurement units: N/mm2, kg/cm2, psi
  • Standard 2-year warranty on electronic units (optional extended warranty periods up to three years)


  • SilverSchmidt Type BN: standard impact energy (2.207Nm)
  • SilverSchmidt Type BL: reduced impact energy: (.0735 Nm)
  • SilverSchmidt Type UN: standard impact energy w computer download and increased memory
  • SilverSchmidt Type UL: reduced impact energy w computer download and increased memory

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