DeFelsko Certified P6 Polystyrene Blocks

DeFelsko’s Certified Polystyrene Blocks for verifying the accuracy and operation of coating thickness gauges.


DeFelsko Certified P6 Polystyrene Blocks are for use with gauges that measure over 1500 µm (60 mils). Ideal for the PosiTector 200 C.

For when verification of gauge accuracy at a test site is required each time a coating thickness gauge is put into service, DeFelsko’s certified coating thickness standards have measured values traceable to a National Metrology Institution.

These standards are used to verify the accuracy and operation of mechanical, electronic, eddy-current, or ultrasonic coating thickness gauges, and are certified and labelled in both Metric and Imperial units.

DeFelsko Certified P6 Polystyrene Blocks feature a range of 375 µm (15 mils) to 3 mm (125 mils).

Certified Polystyrene Blocks have an accuracy of +(2.5 µm + 0.05% of thickness) +(0.1 mil + 0.05% of thickness).

All DeFelsko certified standards are supplied with a Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST or PTB.

Please see the chart below to select the Standard that most closely matches the measuring range of your gauge.

Order CodeIdeal forBlock 1*Block 2*Block 3*Block 4*
P1PosiTector 6000 FT, FTS, NTS, FNTS, FTRS

PosiTector 200 D

375 μm
15 mils
2 mm
80 mils
4.5 mm
185 mils
6.5 mm
250 mils
P2PosiTector 6000 FJS2.5 mm
100 mils
6.5 mm
250 mils
13 mm
500 mils
19 mm
750 mils
P3375 μm
15 mils
1.5 mm
60 mils
2.5 mm
100 mils
4.5 mm
185 mils
P41.5 mm
60 mils
2.5 mm
100 mils
4.5 mm
185 mils
6.5 mm
250 mils
P5PosiTector 6000 FKS, NKS1.5 mm
60 mils
2.5 mm
100 mils
6.5 mm
250 mils
12 mm
480 mils
P6PosiTector 200 C375 μm
15 mils
1.5 mm
60 mils
2.5 mm
100 mils
3 mm
125 mils
P7PosiTector 6000 FHXS1.5 mm
60 mils
4.5 mm
185 mils
6.5 mm
250 mils
9.5 mm
375 mils
P8PosiTector 6000 FNGS, FLS13 mm
500 mils
13 mm
500 mils
13 mm
500 mils
19 mm
750 mils

*given measurements are an approximate thickness

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