Western Instruments’ WC-6 Compact Magnetic Particle Yoke

Western Instruments’ WC-6 Magnetic Particle Yoke is a popular AC Magnetic Particle Yoke due to its lightweight and ease of handling. The WC-6 compact yoke offers enhanced features for increased durability, versatility, and operator comfort.


Western Instruments’ WC-6 Magnetic Particle Yoke is a light-weight, compact AC yoke with enhanced Strain Relief system. Western Instruments designed an unique end cap for their W-series Magnetic Particle Yokes, including rubber Strain Relief housing with 360-degree rotation. Power cords on the W-series Yokes are water, oil, and UV-resistant to increase cord life on all W-series Magnetic Particle Yokes.


  • Compact and Lightweight
  • Grounded Solid State Switch and Sealed Switch Cover protects against ingress of water or magnetic particle media
  • Comfortable, Ergonomic hand grip with protective urethane rubber housing cover
  • Rugged Strain Relief and high-quality rubber cord protection – heavy-duty reinforcement at junction of cord to yoke; Western Instruments’ unique Rotating End Cap which enables the inspector to position the cord anywhere around the 360 – degree pivot for reduced strain and improved ease of use; rubber cord jacket is resistant to degradation from the elements for longer power cord life, high-quality plug

Magnetic Particle Inspection Kits Available: Wet, Dry, Wet/Dry and Wet Fluorescent Kits

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