Chlor*Test Chloride Ion Test Kit

ChlorTest Chloride Ion Test Kits by Chlor*Rid International are simple-to-use and accurate field test kits for measuring soluble salts on surfaces prior to coatings application. ChlorTest Soluble Salt Test Kits for surfaces are available in 5-test packs or bulk packs of 50 tests.

SKU: CHLT-CHLORTEST(5pk) Category: Tags: , , ,


Chlor*Rid Chlor*Test Kit is a self-contained salt test kit containing everything needed for simple and accurate measurement of chlorides on surfaces. ChlorTest gives values in both parts per million and micrograms per centimetre squared.

Salt contamination on surfaces leads to failure of applied protective coatings, as well as more rapid deterioration of the surface beneath the coating. Detection of soluble salts prior to coatings application ensures that surfaces can be cleaned to remove salt contamination, improving coating life, and greatly reducing degradation of the substrate. ChlorTest Salt Test Kits were developed by Chlor*Rid International for ease of use, and to prevent outside and cross-contamination. Components are pre-measured to ensure accurate results, and require no temperature correction between 41 and 176 degrees Fahrenheit.

The ChlorTest Kit 3-step procedure works on any shaped surface at any angle, including vertical or over-head structures. Readings are given in both micrograms per square centimetre (µg/cm2) and parts per million (ppm), giving test results in 1.5 to 2 minutes.  The Chlor*Test uses an unique patented extract solution, Chlor*Extract, which enhances retrieval rate of surface chloride contamination, increasing accuracy. The greater the retrieval rate, the more accurate the test results.

The testing process is simple:

Empty the contents of the Chlor*Extract container into the Chlor*Sleeve. Remove the protective backing from the lip of the sleeve, pinch the sleeve to expel some of the air, and adhere the sleeve lip to the test surface.

Massage the Chlor-Extract in the sleeve against the surface, then remove the sleeve and place it in the hole in the kit-box lid.

Snap the ends off the glass titrator tube, insert the tube into the sleeve contents, and in about 2 minutes, read the colour change that indicates chloride levels.

Organic, and biodegradable, Chlor*Rid and Chlor*Extract are safe for virtually all environments. ChlorTest is suitable for use on bridges, aircraft, ships, storage tanks, cooling towers, pipelines, power plants, off-shore rigs, petrochemical plants, pulp and paper mills, steel fabrication, and electronics.

The Chlor-Test Kit contains everything needed to perform salt testing on surfaces; the coatings inspector requires no additional items. ChlorTest Chloride Ion Test Kit for surfaces contains 5 complete tests per kit. Bulk packs of 50 tests are also available.

When salt testing reveals excess chloride levels, use Chlor*Rid liquids to remove surface salts: Chlor*Rid Liquid Salt Remover is available as concentrate or Chlor*Rid DTS (Direct-to-Surface) ready-to-use salt remover. Chlor*Wash Solution removes chloride, sulphate, and nitrate salts, and other contamination including road films and dirt. Prevent flash rust for up to a several days with Chlor*Rid brand Hold-Blast surface passivator. Chlor*Rid products are non-toxic, non-flammable, and biodegradable, making them safe for the user and the environment to detect and eliminate salt contamination that can cause degradation of the structure and early coating failure.

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