DeFelsko PosiTector RTR 3D Replica Tape Reader

DeFelsko PosiTector RTR-3D Replica Tape Reader measures and records surface profile parameters using replica tape.

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DeFelsko PosiTector RTR 3D Replica Tape Reader captures high-resolution 3D surface imagery and common 2D/3D parameters at a fraction of the cost of drag stylus or confocal microscope instruments.

The patented PosiTector RTR 3D is ideal for measuring the surface profile of flat, curved, or irregular surfaces in the field or laboratory. Simply create a replica by burnishing Testex Tape onto the surface and insert it into the instrument. Press the two buttons and in seconds, the hand-held PosiTector RTR 3D displays imagery and measures common 2D and 3D profile parameters such as Ra, Rz, Sq and Spd, traceable to a national laboratory.

PosiTector RTR 3D features:

  • 3D Surface Imaging at a fraction of the cost
  • Create a replica by burnishing Testex Tape on a surface and insert into instrument
  • Reports common Roughness Parameters: Ra, Rq, Rz, Rp, Rv, Rt, Rpc (2D), and Sa, Sq, Sz, Sp, Sv, and Spd (3D)
  • Ideal for field or laboratory use; flat, curved, or irregular surfaces,
  • Certified and traceable to an accredited national laboratory
  • Download 3D .SDF image files for analysis in included PosiSoft or third-party software
  • Available in Standard or Advanced models
  • High-contrast, colour LCD display with back-light
  • Enhanced one-handed menu navigation
  • RESET instantly restores factory settings
  • Selectable display languages
  • Mils/microns switchable
  • Auto rotating display with Flip Lock
  • Screen Capture saves screen images for record-keeping and review
  • Sealed USB port for fast, simple connection to PC and continuous power supply
  • Every stored measurement is date-time stamped
  • PosiSoft Software Solutions for viewing, analyzing, and reporting data
  • Solvent, acid, oil, water, and dust resistant; waterproof
  • Rugged indoor/outdoor instrument ideal for field or laboratory use, flat, curved, or irregular surfaces
  • Shock-absorbing, protective rubber holster with belt clip
  • Conforms to national and international standards including ISO and ASTM
  • Certificate of Calibration, including Ra and Rt measurements, showing traceability to an accredited national laboratory
  • Two-year manufacturer’s warranty against defects on gauge body and probe
  • Standard gauges: store 1,000 readings per probe; stored readings can be viewed or downloaded via USB
  • Advanced gauges: store up to 250,000 in up to 1,000 batches
  • Live graphing of measurement data
    • WiFi technology wirelessly synchronizes with and downloads software updates
    • Bluetooth 4.0 Technology for data transfer to mobile devices running the PosiTector App, or optional portable printer. BLE API available for integration into third-party software.
    • On-screen Batch Annotation – add notes, change batch names, and more, with built-in QWERTY keyboard

PosiTector RTR 3D Specialized Features:

  • Measures Peak Height (HL) and common 2D/3D Profile Parameters such as Ra, Rz, Sq, Spd and more
  • Calculates and records all fourteen 2D and 3D parameters with each measurement
  • Applies short and long cut-off filters and discard lengths to optimize the analysis for a specific application
  • Orients the 2D trace between horizontal, vertical, and diagonal (XY, YX)
  • Download high-resolution Surface Data Files (.SDF) for analysis in the included PosiSoft or third-party software
  • Generate two dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) thumbnail images for inclusion into reports and confirming consistent blasting results.

SDF Images:

The DeFelsko PosiTector RTR 3D Replica Tape Reader calculates and records all fourteen 2D and 3D parameters for each measurement. From the information acquired, the gauge produces a .SDF – Surface Data File – that allows the user to evaluate the surface replica from different perspectives for different information. Using PosiSoft Desktop Software, the SDF file can be rotated and moved, to analyze a portion of the replica, and to filter the information being evaluated.

Parameters and thumbnail images can be viewed on-screen, on computer via USB, or using cloud-based app, or PosiSoft App for mobile devices. To get the most functionality out of your RTR 3D, free PosiSoft Desktop Software includes a built-in .SDF viewer for analysis of measurements – analyze a trace from the 3D plot, change filtering settings, and view 2D and 3D parameters. Create custom, professional PDF reports including measurements, photos, screen captures, and the imagery and surface profile parameters generated by the PosiTector RTR 3D. Multiple custom layouts can be saved as templates, cover pages, logos can be inserted into reports with user-selectable font sizes. Select the what to include in your report from downloaded charts, histograms, readings, time stamps, and more. Multi-batch reports can be built from one or multiple probes and instrument types.

PosiTector RTR Specifications
Measuring range (H)20 – 115 µm0.8 – 4.5 mils
Measuring range (Rt)10 – 115 µm0.4 – 4.5 mils
Measuring Roughness (Ra)2 µm0.08 mil / 80 µin
Accuracy (H)+5 µm+ 0.2 mil
Accuracy (Rt)*+ (5 µm + 5%)+ (0.2 mil + 5%)
Accuracy (Ra)*+ 0.25 µm + 5%)+ (0.01 mil + 5%)
Anvil Pressure1.1 Newtons110 grams-force
Anvil Size6.25 mm0.25 inch
Field of View3.8 x 3.8 mm0.149 x 0.149 inch
Lateral Sampling3.7 µm0.145 mil
Vertical Resolution100 nm – 2D / 3D

10 nm – SDF

3.93 µin – 2D / 3D

0.393 µin – SDF

Resolution.01 µm0.01 mil

*when measured using Testex Optical Grade X-Coarse Replica Tape

Optical Grade Testex Tape is required for measurement of 2D/3D parameters

Black and White 2D Thumbnail Images:

PosiTector RTR 3D takes a black-and-white, 2-dimensional photograph of the burnished Testex Tape. The bright areas are more highly-compressed areas of tape, which are impressions of the peaks of the surface profile, and the dark areas are lower compressed tape, or the valleys of the profile replica. This is available only in Advanced models.

3D Colour Thumbnail Images:

PosiTector RTR 3D produces 3-dimensional (3D) images of the Testex surface Replica. A low-resolution colour image is generated and displayed on the gauge display, and can be exported into inspection reports. This feature is available only in Advanced gauges.

To download pdf data sheet, please click PosiTector RTR 3D

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